Friday, February 24, 2012

Life Lately

is beautiful and that's all there is to it.

First of all, I can say that I know the most wonderful, perfect guy in the entire world and that he's all mine. I've known how amazing he is from the moment I met him but, when we first started going out, I would say that I felt like he was too good for me and that I stole him from someone else that would be better for him. Thank goodness I've gotten over that self-pity mess! Now I still say that I stole him but, there is no way I'm giving him back! "Finders, keepers!!"

Everyday there is a new reason for me to be thankful that he's in my life. Whether its how well he takes care of me (without him, I would probably starve) or the little things he brings me to let me know that he is always thinking about me. Or the fact that he'll stay by my side no matter how what. I realize that I can get a little temperamental when I'm stressed but, that doesn't matter. He doesn't leave me or get angry or frustrated. He stays right next to me and lets me cry or steam in a corner for a little bit until I'm ready to be back in his arms (which is always a matter of seconds). Even when I get a little upset at him, he doesn't go anywhere. He stays and talks to me. All the effort he puts into making sure I'm ok is incredible. I honestly don't think there is another guy out there even half as caring as my boyfriend. He's simply perfect.

This was us on Valentine's Day. Those are definitely matching, flashing heart necklaces you see around our necks. Yes, we're cool ;) I bought him those wristbands too. There is one set of red and one of blue. We are both wearing one from each set. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I apologize in advance for any glaring spelling errors or dreadful auto correct mishaps. I'm writing this entry from my phone since my computer charger has frayed to pieces, leaving my computer lifeless. Sad, I know

I know I've been more than a little MIA lately, I really do plan on fixing that. I just needed to get my random thoughts jotted down somewhere.

I've just had a wonderful evening with my boyfriend. He truly is the best guy on this entire planet. I've always been aware of his perfection but, today for some reason I was exceptionally surprised that he was mine and I was his. How could a man this wonderful exist? And I must be the luckiest girl on this earth to have him for my own, for him to accept all of me (even the parts I'm not as fond of) and love me to pieces regardless.

I told him that tonight. I told him how thankful I was to have him in my life and how I felt blessed for him to love me the way he does. And then we talked and reminisced about when we first met and when he told me he liked me and our first date and our first kiss. It was so sweet. I don't ever want to take this boy for granted, he is the most important thing in the world to me. But, its nice to have those reminders, to sit and talk about where we've been and how we've gotten this far and where we are going in the future. It's a subtle reminder of how much we love each other. I can really describe the feeling um feeling right now, I would say humbling but, its more powerful. It makes you want to stop, smile, and soak it all in. That's the kind of night I just had. That's the way he just makes me feel. I can't help but love him with my entire heart.